Tuesday, April 30, 2013

35.99 MPG

489.9 mi, 13.612 gal @ $3.799 = 35.99 MPG

87,662 total miles. Shell on Capitol at Hostetter.

With this fill-up I also added a can of B12 Chemtool, my personal favorite fuel system cleaner. I don't think I've used it before on this truck, so we'll have to wait and see what the mileage implications are. I didn't add it for any particular reason, I just thought I'd give it a go.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

35.06 MPG

474.8 mi, 13.544 gal @ $3.839 = 35.06 MPG

87,172 total miles. Chevron on California Circle in Milpitas.

This tank corresponded with a change in my commute route to 680 from 880. In the mornings there is less traffic on 680, though the distance is slightly longer. I'm not sure that will affect the MPG, but we'll see what the trend is.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Added Brake Fluid.

87,040 miles.

Was getting the brake warning light for "Low Brake Fluid" again recently. I haven't changed the brake pads since buying the car, so I assume this is just normal wear for the system. Besides, brake fluid is cheap.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

33.46 MPG

468.7 mi, 14.007 gal @ $4.059 = 33.46 MPG

86,697 total miles. Chevron on California Circle in Milpitas.