Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Added brake fluid.

138,945 total miles.

Added about 9oz O'Reilly DOT-3 brake fluid from a fresh can. It seems to be taking around 1oz brake fluid every 1k miles. This seems excessive (though not expensive, 12oz of brake fluid is only $3-$4). I've been in denial that there is a leak in the brake system but I don't think it would be needing fluid this often if there weren't.

The master cylinder looks pretty dirty so I cleaned it off and tightened the two 13mm lines going in/out of it. We will see if anything changes in the next 10k miles.

132,389 -
123,761 -
111,396 -
  94,747 -
  87,040 -
  63,995 -

Saturday, March 24, 2018

30.51 MPG

370.2mi, 12.133 gal @ $3.299 = 30.51 MPG

138,735 total miles. 76 on Union.