Tuesday, April 27, 2021

27.7 MPG

357.0 mi, 12.892 gal @ $4.259 = 27.7 MPG

159,208 total miles. As expected, this MPG is lower than average, because the previous fill-up was not complete. Chevron on Hamilton at N Central Street. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

32.3 MPG

371.0 mi, 11.480 gal @ $4.159 = 32.3 MPG

158,851 total miles.

My wife did this fill up and I don't think she topped off like I usually do after the pump clicked off. I always try it once more after it clicks off. So this MPG seems high to me and the next one will probably be low. Chevron on Bascom at Hamilton.