Wednesday, January 24, 2024

25.8 MPG

266.4 mi, 10.330 gal @ $3.069 = 25.8 MPG

175820.1 total miles. Valero Fasmart on Farmington Ave.

Monday, January 15, 2024

28.4 MPG

354.2 mi, 12.454 gal @ $2.999 = 28.4 MPG

175554.5 total miles. Stop & Shop gas in Unionville.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

30.2 MPG

138.1 mi, 4.570 gal @ $2.999 = 30.2 MPG

175200.2 total miles. Go Happy on Farmington Ave.

This fill-up was a little different; I was getting gas for the snowblower so I emptied around 1 gallon from the can into the car, then filled the can along with another one (approx 2 gallons). 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

25.5 MPG

307.4 mi, 12.041 gal @ $3.399 = 25.5 MPG

175062.1 total miles. Sunoco on Hartford Road in New Britain. 

First fill-up in Connecticut! The sticker on the pump said 10% ethanol; I'm not sure how that relates to California gas but we'll see if it makes any difference in MPG. Definitely colder here but otherwise pretty great.