Tuesday, July 12, 2011

32.70 MPG

404.5 mi, 12.37 gal @ 3.759 = 32.70 MPG

63,808 total miles. Chevron on California Circle in Milpitas.

Ouch! This is the lowest mileage I've gotten in this truck. Further proof that highway driving at higher speeds (70+) is not good for fuel efficiency. In this case we were trying to get home from San Diego and go to bed, so it was a tradeoff we understood and accepted.

Hopefully we won't need to make that trip again for a while. We did it once in June and once in July, adding two tanks of gas to each of those months; instead of my usual two fillups per month, these months had four. They don't call it the "summer driving season" for nothing!

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