Thursday, September 22, 2011

38.72 MPG

532.8 mi, 13.761 gal @ 3.999 = 38.72 MPG

66,953 total miles. 76 on Steven's Creek and 85.

I was thinking that I could probably make it to 550 miles on this tank, but when it started saying "0 miles to empty" at 529 I chickened out and filled up at the next station (which was nearly 4 miles away). Still, 532 miles is the farthest I've gone on one fill up. I'm not sure what made this tank so good, it was mostly commuting as usual, and then this past weekend we went up to Point Reyes through San Francisco. It was more hills and slower speeds than I usually drive I suppose. I was actually expecting it to have a negative effect because of all the freeway driving.

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