Sunday, January 22, 2012

First year in review.

By now I've had the Hybrid Escape for just over a year and am still enjoying it very much. The gas mileage has been fantastic, it's very comfortable, and I think it looks great. It does everything I need to do, has plenty of room in the back for all my gear, and I've used the roof rack several times for hauling boards and other long items. So far it has been very easy to maintain, and I really haven't had that many problems. It doesn't turn as sharp as my old Volvo 240, but in just about every other way it's a perfect combination of my two previous cars (1985 240 and 1984 Accord).

I started recording my fill-ups at 55,643 miles, and my most recent one was at 71,582 miles. This is 15,939 miles. In this period I used 439.44 gallons of fuel, if I've added correctly. This is around $1600 at recent gas prices ($3.66/gal.). My insurance for the Escape is about $650/year (USAA). My monthly car payment is $320, and last year $750 of those payments was for interest. I spent $375 on air filters, oil changes, replacement parts, and other service items.

Total cost of ownership for the first year = $3375 ($1775 + $1600 gas).

Average fuel economy over this period is 15,939/439.44 = 36.27 MPG. Not bad at all.

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